All in Wellness

Neptune: Let Go and Let God !

June 21st, Neptune will sit in the sky in the sign of Pisces, its home sign, on the day of the summer solstice! …

… We can't easily grasp what's going on during a Neptune station... If we are currently feeling lost, confused, unfocused, in doubt, about everything and anything in our life, all will become clear again, hopefully, around the July 2 solar eclipse. It’s sunshine will burn the fog away…

… But it also a time to be inspired by the sound of a muse and feel lifted, inspired, transported to a mystical, creative, higher dimension

Neptune: Lâchez Prise et Ainsi Soit-Il !

Le 21 juin, Neptune sera stationnaire dans le ciel dans le signe des Poissons, son propre signe du zodiac, et en plus le jour du solstice d'été! …

… Nous pourrions ne pas y voir bien clair pendant cette période de temps imbibée de l'énergie de Neptune... On pourrait se sentir perdus, confus, dans le "flous artistique", le doute sur tout et rien dans notre vie. Tout redeviendra clair, espérons-le, autour de l'éclipse solaire du 2 juillet. Le soleil brûlera le brouillard

… Mais c’est aussi le moment d’être inspirés par la muse et transportés vers des dimensions mystiques et créatives supérieures

When the going gets tough, let's start Being. To Be, let's breathe, smile and be grateful.

We are entering a 2 week period very much infused with Neptune energy… To best navigate this time where the veil between the real and imaginative worlds is very thin, where we may lose clarity and succumb to doubt, let’s continue practicing the Conscious Breath I spoke about in my last blog…

Quand les choses se corsent, commençons par Être. Pour Être, respirons, sourions et soyons reconnaissants.

Nous entrons dans une période de 2 semaines très imprégnée de l’énergie de Neptune… Pour naviguer au mieux ces moments où le voile entre les mondes réels et imaginaires est très mince, où nous pourrions ne plus y voir très clair et succomber au doute, continuons à pratiquer le Souffle Conscient dont j'ai parlé dans mon dernier blog…

Breathing is a Sacred Act !

The new moon of June 3rd is in the mutable air sign Gemini ruled by Mercury. Both symbolize the lungs and breath, the nervous system, but also movement, communication and information. Perfect timing to pass on a message from the dolphins I heard several years ago. It rang so true that it has stayed with me ever since…

For some of you this may sound fantastic or it may be pure fantasy. Please indulge me because this advice is profound and may be useful.

La Respiration est un Acte Sacré !

La nouvelle lune du 3 juin est dans le signe d’air, mutable Gemini gouverné par Mercure. Les deux symbolisent les poumons et la respiration, le système nerveux, mais aussi le mouvement, la communication et l'information. Quel moment parfait pour transmettre le message des dauphins que j'ai entendu il y a plusieurs années*. Il a sonné tellement vrai en moi qu’il m'est resté à l’esprit depuis…

Pour certains d'entre vous, ce message pourrait vous sembler fantastique ou être de la pure fantaisie. S'il vous plaît, faîte-moi plaisir car ce conseil est profond et pourrait vous être utile.

I always have ALL that I need !

The potent full moon of May 18th is still stirring emotions, making us feel exposed and vulnerable. A main theme of the sun in Taurus opposed the moon in Scorpio is: TRUSTING that our needs are always being met.

When feeling uncertain and insecure, let’s remember that thoughts are energy and that energy gives birth to manifestation. So, let’s immediately change them to create a better existence. Each and every ‘but’ thought is resistance and not allowing flow.

We can create what we need if we come from our center, essence, which stems from our Body, Soul and the Divine, certainly not from our mind (only a tool).

Experiences during the period surrounding this cathartic full moon teach us how to find our own power. The moon in feminine watery Scorpio is asking us to gain caring influence by surrendering control.

Let's purify our vibration with the Selenite Crystal.

Every year, around the May Taurus-Scorpio Full Moon, two rays of infinite Light, Buddha and Christ enter in communion to bless Earth and Humanity.

This emotionally intense Blue Moon calls us to release all that no longer serves us and build on the seeds planted earlier… If we still have control issues, now is the perfect time to work on liberating ourselves.

I advise all of us to welcome the help of the Selenite vibration right now… She is a High Frequency Spiritual Crystal Guide… She facilitates connecting ourselves with our Central Sun, our Inner Light.

I choose to smile :-)

The Tao teaches us: “Where the awareness goes, the energy follows.” It cannot be said more simply and at the same time, it is profound. Where our attention goes is where we find success in creating…

… The last two weeks, some of us might have felt a lot of pressure to put our house in order. If we rose to the challenge, cut out of our life what was no longer serving us, we should feel much better as of May 6, relieved and optimistic with what is to come…

… It is an excellent time to set intentions and get going chasing the dream, but again, first, let’s know who we are…

… The sensual, earthy Taurus New Moon of May 4 was fabulous and is still resonating its sweetness. We may feel its powerful ripple effects continuing this week now that Pluto and Saturn are decreasing in strength.

… Our Power lies in our Choosing… When we change our thoughts, we change our life.

"You do not attract what you want, you attract what you are." Dr. Wayne Dyer

Are we experiencing heaviness, pressure, anxiety or fatigue? Is too much going on? If so, it is normal to feel overwhelmed right now.

The quote I chose in the title is key to address Saturn issues in a more mature way. We could settle for fear and attract exactly what we are afraid of or… Let’s not, we are better than that.

In the present moment, we have the freedom to choose the emotional state we wish to be in but not the form of the the final outcome.

If we focus on the emotions we want to feel, we'll attract the situations, persons and material things that will match them.

"You alone are enough. You have nothing to prove to anybody." Maya Angelou

Pluto transforms for the better, painfully slowly but surely, deeply and permanently, whatever it touches.

People with strong egos weaken us by subtly ‘making us feel lesser than’.

‘We are good enough, we are always, under every circumstance, good enough’.

We are always better off trusting that each present moment will lead us to our best next moment.

To love is to recognize the Divine in Self and all others. That’s what Pluto wants to instill in us.

“There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as if everything is.” Albert Einstein

Nôtre Dame de Paris is a magical and holy place holding extreme high resonance.  She is one of our planet's high point of alchemy.

We, as conscious humans, have the grave responsibility to nourish the egregores of Joy, Peace and Love.

Right now, on this powerful full moon in Libra, are we choosing the high road?

Are we also preferring to transcend the strong Pluto archetype on its current station?

To name only one among many great alchemy sites that were destroyed in recent years, Nôtre Dame, will we rise up and meet her on the plane of her Core, her Sacred Heart and stay there?

"Whatever you're giving your attention to is what you'll have an experience about." Abraham

Starting this week, we may feel the cathartic energy of Pluto gradually intensifying until its station… It is safe to say that we are entering a phase of deep healing.

What better way to celebrate a healing period than to share the powerful purifying and protective virtues of the Amethyst, A Powerful Tool For Spiritual Growth.

The Amethyst helps us recognize that we are Spiritual Beings living a human experience and not the other way around.

The Amethyst transmutes negative into positive. In that, I feel it resonates with Pluto as well, the ultimate and most powerful alchemist healer of the zodiac.

“Fear is a reaction. Courage is a decision.” Winston Churchill


This perfect rainbow reflects the energy this week: blessings, optimism, growth, back wind encouraging us to be bold to go meet our destiny.

All the Cosmic triggers are telling a story of an ending and a new beginning, it’s up to us to walk through the right door. We need not worry, we will feel clear and confident to be bold and act. Let’s just be careful, however, not to take unmeasured risks as Jupiter’s vibe may give us too much assurance!

“Get up and walk” Jesus Christ

Let’s expect miracles and be thankful when they come.

Our spiritual guides are right here, at our side, always, but we don’t ask, so they can’t deliver. That is because they are respectful of our free will…

… The time it takes between our asking and receiving the blessing is the time it takes us to stop all mental resistance…

… The remedies to heal from fear that create contraction and pain, are: COMPASSION toward Self and others and GRATITUDE…

“The best way to predict the future is to invent it.” Alan Kay

It's time to heal... by focusing!… focusing to ‘invent’, create our lives.

Laser focus on what we want, on what brings us joy! Laser (Uranus) focus (Aries) on manifestation (Taurus) to heal (Chiron).

We need to give attention to a specific wish, goal over a period of time, relentlessly. That is what will make us ‘manifestors’, persons who concretize our wants, desires, self-actualize with success… and Heal.

Focus on the rainbow and the blue sky; the cascade of emotions shall pass...

Our feelings may be tipsy turvy this week but let's have the presence of mind to take in deep breaths, stay calm and together. It is normal to feel unsettled right now… I decided, last minute (so characteristic of Uranus!), to write something, realizing that myself, several friends and family were going bonkers :-)