All in Minerals

Let's purify our vibration with the Selenite Crystal.

Every year, around the May Taurus-Scorpio Full Moon, two rays of infinite Light, Buddha and Christ enter in communion to bless Earth and Humanity.

This emotionally intense Blue Moon calls us to release all that no longer serves us and build on the seeds planted earlier… If we still have control issues, now is the perfect time to work on liberating ourselves.

I advise all of us to welcome the help of the Selenite vibration right now… She is a High Frequency Spiritual Crystal Guide… She facilitates connecting ourselves with our Central Sun, our Inner Light.

"Whatever you're giving your attention to is what you'll have an experience about." Abraham

Starting this week, we may feel the cathartic energy of Pluto gradually intensifying until its station… It is safe to say that we are entering a phase of deep healing.

What better way to celebrate a healing period than to share the powerful purifying and protective virtues of the Amethyst, A Powerful Tool For Spiritual Growth.

The Amethyst helps us recognize that we are Spiritual Beings living a human experience and not the other way around.

The Amethyst transmutes negative into positive. In that, I feel it resonates with Pluto as well, the ultimate and most powerful alchemist healer of the zodiac.