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Abundance, Do We Truly Understand Its Meaning?

What if the term ‘abundance’ is not to be applied to the well-being of humankind but instead, it is meant for Mother Nature? Let's remember that Mother Earth INCLUDES humans, whereas we exclude Nature and that is what this year’s experiences will change!

Jupiter-Pluto conjunct signifies success, prosperity, power and money, which we usually apply to ourselves. Perhaps this time, this particular conjunction speaks of Nature’s expanding its regeneration and regaining its abundance, influence and wealth?

2020 is a pivot year.

We need to refresh, review, reevaluate, redo, recreate, redesign, reorganize the entire structures of our societies. This paradigm shift will be felt in private and public sectors as well as in small businesses and big corporations. We will be forced to harmoniously integrate human and natural life for both to thrive.