

to my Soul Centered Astrology Counseling for well being and loving relationships.

My goal is to

empower you

to reach your potential.

What's your sign? Please don't!

What's your sign? Please don't!

Sun sign astrology is such a waste of anyone’s time, it’s junk astrology!

We are so much more than a Sun sign! Let’s not put people in boxes. How limiting to think that we are reduced to twelve ways of being? What about our needs and what helps us feel secure? That’s caused by our Moon in the birth chart. Venus determines the nature of our desires, tastes, sensuality, and how we give and receive, what we value. Mars tells us about how we go after what we want, our immune system, our sexuality. Mercury talks about how our mind operates, how we communicate. Our ability to discern, have good judgement is explained by Jupiter and Saturn.

Even by looking at the planets mentioned, we are just scratching the surface… How others perceive us or the image we project is seen in our Ascendant. The social position we aspire to have is shown by the Mid-Heaven. Our roots and the family we create are displayed by the bottom of the chart. The type of persons we attract and like to partner with in love or work are visible on the Descendant.

That is not all. Each individual’s sky is unique with the main planets and significant points in particular angular relationships (aspects) to each other around the circle forming the backbone of the personality. We see both nature and nurture in the horoscope! We have symbolic information on psychological patterns inherited, we see the Soul’s imprint. Some say we see the karma and the Dharma, the default unconscious programs and the potential to overcome or transmute, depending on our level of consciousness. We see potential of development of character over time, going through the cycles of life.

Have you noticed I have not even spoken of the placement of the planets in the signs of the zodiac yet? Those add color to the texture already created by the skeleton (aspects) of the chart. In addition to the placement of planetary bodies and points in signs in relationship to each other, we have their position in the different domains of life (houses) and that is not all… We must look at which sign rule which house, meaning that we look at who is boss in the different dimensions of our life experiences. The answer lies in seeing which planets rule which signs and where they are placed around the wheel and who do they talk to… are you confused yet?

Oh, and that is far from telling the whole story! We look at the patterns that all these relationships make. Which quadrants or sides of the chart are occupied? How much of which elements and modes are represented and where? The elements are Fire, Earth, Air and Water and the modes are Cardinal, Fix and Mutable. The different combinations in quantity and category give us tremendous information. What kind of picture do the planets make? Do we have planets in groups or splattered all over the wheel? It matters.

Are we done yet? Not even close… What planet rules the entire chart, who is boss? In what sign is it? Where is it located in the horoscope? What kind of relationships with the rest of the chart does it have? What planet is the highest elevated? Which one is the final dispositor? The answer can be one planet or different ones, giving yet additional nuances. Which planets are highlighted by being angular (on the two main axises of the chart or in a particular connection to the angles)? I am not going to explain the aspects (nature of the numerous angular measurements between points), too complex, too many layers of analysis…

Also, between the Sun, Moon and Ascendant, what’s the balance between masculine and feminine qualities? The interpretation of which changes according to whether the native is a man or a woman. In the overall chart, is there spacial equilibrium of the counts of elements and modes? Is there a planet or point that is not associated with any other significant area of the chart? That is very important and is called ‘unaspected’. The influence of some planets can also be weakened or strengthened by certain placements within houses and signs.

Are we there yet? Not the least! Planets are either in direct or retrograde motion or station when the baby is born. Those variations are very significant in narrating the story of this human. Which new moon or full moon or eclipse happened right before birth? All of it is important! And this is still far from being complete, trust me! We can add to the chart many extra valuable cosmic bodies, planets, astroids, significant degrees of the zodiac and on and on… Did you note that I have not even spoken yet of the outer planets? Uranus, Neptune and Pluto? With Saturn, they are the pillars of our disposition. If ignored, they become the elephant in the room! They are the key ingredients of any natal chart. They represent the major archetypes at play in our lives, the origin of our wounds and traumas. They illustrate what truly animates us, from the depth of our unconscious. That’s a tall order but so rich and fascinating!

Great astrologers master the analysis of all the variables, they have the ability to see every tree. However, above all, they excel in synthesizing, they must see the entire forest, punctually and over the lifetime of the person. I will be very happy to untangle this maze for you in a private session. E-mail me at, I’d love it!

Thank you.  I choose to smile.  All my love, Corinne Cévaër-Corey 

Ethical Astrologer and founder of CorAwakening

“True forgiveness is when you can say, 'Thank you for that experience.'"  Oprah Winfrey

“True forgiveness is when you can say, 'Thank you for that experience.'" Oprah Winfrey

What we give our attention to, grows…  Let’s choose wisely.

What we give our attention to, grows… Let’s choose wisely.