

to my Soul Centered Astrology Counseling for well being and loving relationships.

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to reach your potential.

In Nature's Beauty, We Find Truth

In Nature's Beauty, We Find Truth

This blog is dedicated to Frequency Holders who have not yet recognized and accepted that this is who we are. Our life mission is to emanate elevated vibrations. It is a full time job to be a Frequency Holder even if it appears we are doing nothing. It takes constant vigilance to watch our thoughts, always choosing to redirect them to ones that trigger positive emotions. We aim to be Present in everything we do, even in the most menial tasks. We bring Consciousness and therefore quality to our interactions and activities. It is far from being an inactive or passive role. As a matter of fact, it is very hard. Frequency Holders are often pursuing a spiritual journey but not always. We come from all walks of life, simply aware that we exist to personify a bright still force. We like to observe and contemplate. We express vibes of joy, kindness and peace through different means. Our intent is to infuse our environment with expanding, freeing energy just by being who we are. Our contribution to our family and community goes unnoticed because it is invisible.

Some of us fully embrace our quiet purpose and confidently own it. Most likely, we were cherished as a child. Unfortunately, many of us were not heard in childhood and now, as adults, we fluctuate between states of content and disappointment because we do not feel accomplished in the external world. We cave into the pressure of society’s expectations, hence we do not revere this role, which is about expressing our BEING, as opposed to doing. We are caught up in the “I am not good enough” thought cycles that can only derail us from being connected to our essence. As a result, we do not feel fulfilled and oscillate between joy and sadness. Our modern frenetic culture tends to value “Doers and Agitators of Energy”. It is no surprise then that many of us do not feel appreciated. We are on a quest to heal, free ourselves from layers upon layers of past traumas, but never seem to reach a state of inner peace. We do not yet feel whole, not because we are not, but because we are still refusing to acknowledge the fact that we are enough.

A dear friend of mine introduced me to the tale of “Ferdinand the Bull”, an American children's book written in 1936. Surprisingly, I was not familiar with it and was blown away by the depth of its message. It tells the story of a magnificent bull who would rather smell flowers than fight in bullfights. All the other bulls play fight all day long but he stays quietly enjoying Nature. One day, Ferdinand gets stung by a bee, which sends him into a frantic run. At that point, his formidable power is revealed and it is decided that he will perform in the arena. Once there however, Ferdinand notices some flowers and chooses to smell them instead of engaging with the matador. No matter how much stimulation and agitation around him, he stays tranquil enjoying smelling the flowers. To me, he is a stellar incarnation of a Frequency holder. See the short Disney video at the end of my essay.

What a lovely story about a wise soul, so grounded and secure in himself that he CHOOSES, above all, TO BE HIMSELF and TO BE HAPPY. While society judges Ferdinand’s shortcomings due to projecting their expectations on him, his compassionate mother understands and accepts him just the way he is, allowing her calf to express himself freely.  This tale is also an excellent lesson in proper parenting by the way. In her unconditional love, his mother instilled in him a great sense of worth. Ferdinand is not dependent on the opinions of others.  In the middle of the ring, with all eyes on him, he keeps on peacefully smelling the flowers, because that is what makes him happy.  He does not care that others demand something else from him.  He is not even resisting, HE JUST IS.  He is calm, tranquil and wise. At home, he has what he needs, the tree, shade and flowers, and depends on no one but himself for his happiness.  By sitting centered and connected to himself, he attracts what he needs with no effort.

Frequency Holders are as strong as he is but some of us are afraid to be authentic by fear of not being seen. In truth, our subtle gifts are often ignored. Our work of holding elevated vibrations is invisible. Very often we were pushed to be someone else in childhood and we went along because that was the only way we could receive love. So, as adults, we continue on a path that is not ours, we stay agitated and spend our life reacting. We suffer because we do not belong in a world that values ambitious achievers, but continue with what is familiar to avoid the pain of feeling misunderstood and rejected. We feel guilt or shame about not manifesting concrete projects, leading to anger, the opposite of our true wish. It’s time we release our fear of judgement and start honoring our unique intrinsic worth, in mirroring Love and Light. In truth, our planet needs us, now more than ever.

Ferdinand leads by example for who recognizes wisdom in him. He is the embodiment of a Shaman.  If anyone sits and smells the flowers with him, they may automatically heal, without him doing anything but only sharing being happy smelling the flowers. Wow!  I am in awe at the abundance of profound lessons in this tale. Notice I said "for who recognizes him", that is the key. It is not his job to make other people see him.  He is simply himself and the ones who will perceive truth in him, if they seek authenticity, will see him and naturally gravitate toward him, because they will acknowledge who he truly is.  Never mind the rest of the people (the majority) who will not recognize the sage in the depth of Ferdinand.  Let them be and do their path, the right one for them. We need variety to make a world.

What a spectacular fable; it illustrates so much! Ferdinand represents the absolute opposite of co-dependence.  He knows what makes him happy and goes after that, without questioning, in all humility, without roaring on the rooftops.  He simply chooses to be happy and is so innately powerful, he commands respect. The other bulls leave him alone to be content. They are happy fighting and illustrate the go getters, the achievers. Ferdinand or the Frequency Holders are peace makers who embody serenity.  We need both, the yin and the yang.

One time, I was frustrated with myself, and told a healer friend that I wanted to feel peace.  She looked at me and said in a calm voice: "well then, just choose to be peace right now".  I was stunned but she was right! She was speaking truth.  All I had to do in that moment was BREATHE PEACE and BE PEACE.  If I do not practice being peace, every day, I have no one to blame but me. That is where self compassion comes in. Let’s choose peace and be peace.  It is so simple, yet we don't do it. All we have to do is CHOOSE and BE, just like Ferdinand. We need to give ourselves the permission to be who we are at a deep level. We need to give ourselves that blessing.

Let’s gather the courage to be vulnerable and admit that we yearn to be a Ferdinand, but are actually afraid to claim our true identity. We need to be bold and ask for support and encouragement to express our Light.  Perhaps the ones who truly love us will be relieved that we can finally be happy? Maybe if we self imposed less pressure to be someone we are not, we would be more pleasant to be around and everyone would be more joyful as a result? Worth the try, no? We may fear we will not measure up, but most often we are frightened of discovering great power, rooted in calm. It is easier to blame others and our current times of excess stimulation and noise to avoid expressing our enormous potential, which may not be appreciated at its just value. Fear of abandonment or rejection is a tough one to overcome.

If we aspire to be like Ferdinand, it is because we already are a Ferdinand.  Like attracts like. We recognize him because we already are in resonance with his core. Let’s start giving ourselves permission to be a Ferdinand.  We desperately need more Ferdinands on this globe. Only truly strong people are vulnerable, not to be mistaken with weak.  Ferdinand reflects the energy of the Buddha.  The Frequency Holders are ready, we have been ready for years, but have not allowed ourselves to shine.  Let’s finally accept that it's not only ok to be a Ferdinand, but to embrace that it is our vocation and duty. Our time has arrived to exercise our sacred work.

Thanks to my sweet friend Ann for sharing this magnificent short film, a healing story for people like us.

Thanks to Kay Quattrocchi, a dear friend and renowned artist, who graciously lent me (again) a photo of one of her many paintings and works of art. We go a long way back to my childhood :-)

Ps. 7’ video of Walt Disney presents Ferdinand the Bull

E-mail me at to receive advice in a private session, I’d love it!

Thank you.  I choose to smile.  All my love, Corinne Cévaër-Corey 

Astrologer and founder of CorAwakening

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